
Below are a series of links and documents, which will be useful to all students! If any of you are unsure about login details for Hwb, please email us here, and make sure you include your name and year group.

Enrichment Activities 2023
Click the link above to see the different clubs and activities running at lunch and after school.

JCQ Information for Candidates
Click the link above to see the ‘information for candidates’ documents issued by the JCQ, to find out about the rules and regulations around your exams and assessments.

Careers Wales Contacts
Click the link above to find out how to contact our Careers Wales Officers, who can provide advice about a wide range of issues, from course choice to apprenticeships.

Blended Learning – Pupils
Your guide as to how and when to use blended learning, as well as what your teachers will expect from you.

Provided by the Welsh government, Hwb provides you with access to Office365, cloud storage via OneDrive, Google classrooms and more. You can also easily contact your teachers, using Outlook. It’s important to know your login details, as you will need these to log in to the Chromebooks at school.

Dr Frost Maths
Site used by the Maths Dept. to set homework and practise tests. You can either register for a student account (be sure to use your Hwb email address, which is the same as your username), or your teacher will send an invite for you to join a specific class (again, using Hwb email).

WJEC Past Papers
For those of you coming up to exams, the WJEC website has a host of past papers you may wish to look over, and use to help with your revision.

Joining Google Classrooms
A brief guide to help joining any Google Classrooms set up by your teachers – you MUST go through your Hwb account, otherwise it won’t work!